"As the Sun Goes Down" Watergate Bay Oil Painting by Julia Lafferty

"As the Sun Goes Down" Watergate Bay Oil Painting by Julia Lafferty

  • High quality oil painting on block canvas

  • 50cm x 40cm

  • Canvas 2cm deep

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"Good Evening at Mawgan Porth" Oil Painting by Julia Lafferty Good evening Mawgan Porth 38x46cm online shop.jpg
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"Good Evening at Mawgan Porth" Oil Painting by Julia Lafferty

Abstract Brown & Blue Tree Acrylic Painting by Baron Visi N-905 RED SANS.jpg

Abstract Brown & Blue Tree Acrylic Painting by Baron Visi

Old Buildings and Steps Oil Painting by Julia Lafferty Old buildings and steps, Brixham 40x30cm online shop.jpg
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Old Buildings and Steps Oil Painting by Julia Lafferty

Abstract Black and White Tree Acrylic Painting by Baron Visi N-647 1.jpeg

Abstract Black and White Tree Acrylic Painting by Baron Visi

Acrylic Painting on Wood Panel 'Flying' by Viki Eperjesi Flying.jpg

Acrylic Painting on Wood Panel 'Flying' by Viki Eperjesi
